Wow Item Dupe Hack 335


Oct 11, 2015  The server in the video is Dalaran-WoW. UPDATE: This is ol. Do not try this on Warmane or Gamer-District, it's fixed there and you may get banned by Sentinel. Download the game client - Start the game client using WoW.exe, not Launcher.exe - Log in using your Warmane account name, not email address: If you already have a client from elsewhere, change the realmlist to: set realmlist Need help? Visit our Community Forum for guides and tutorials.

Since I don't really use this methode anymore I'm sharing it. Origins: Requirements: Bandicam or any program where you can adjust your framerate works (Set fps -> 1) 1) Start recording 2) Plug out the internet 3) put backpack inside a car,tent or house (everything with a backpack slot) 4) switch suit (ghillie or whatever) then wait till your screen is black for a few seconds and when its black for a few seconds stop recording.

5) When you got kicked to the lobby you put the internet back in and join again. Epoch: Requirements: Bandicam or any program where you can adjust your framerate works (Set fps -> 1) *This ONLY works when switching suits takes a few seconds* 1) Start recording 2) Switch from suit 3) Put the backpack with gear inside the gear (vehicle/house ect) 4) If the suit hasn't changed you can stop recording/ If the suit changed before you put the back inside the gear it wont work. 5) You should have 1 in the gear and 1 on your backpack slot! Indoxxi sub indo

This should work with any item! Only tested backpack. If needed I'll make a tut on how to do it.

Patched?: No (9-6-2016). Chances of a tutorial?

Tried this last night on Epoch and couldn't for the life of me get it to work. What's this about the 'takes a few seconds to change clothes'? Is that different from server to server? I cant remember this being the case. I'm guessing you hover over the 'change clothes' button, then press record and then change clothes?

Then as soon as you click it, scroll down and move the backpack across? When you click on put clotches on on epoch you have to wait for the clothing to really change (when the server is laggy) in this time you need to put the backpack inside. I'll make a tut tomorrow when I got time for epoch and origins ~ Also will try overpoch pretty sure it will work aswell the same as Epoch tbh. Since I don't really use this methode anymore I'm sharing it.


Origins: Requirements: Bandicam or any program where you can adjust your framerate works (Set fps -> 1) 1) Start recording 2) Plug out the internet 3) put backpack inside a car,tent or house (everything with a backpack slot) 4) switch suit (ghillie or whatever) then wait till your screen is black for a few seconds and when its black for a few seconds stop recording. 5) When you got kicked to the lobby you put the internet back in and join again. Epoch: Requirements: Bandicam or any program where you can adjust your framerate works (Set fps -> 1) *This ONLY works when switching suits takes a few seconds* 1) Start recording 2) Switch from suit 3) Put the backpack with gear inside the gear (vehicle/house ect) 4) If the suit hasn't changed you can stop recording/ If the suit changed before you put the back inside the gear it wont work. 5) You should have 1 in the gear and 1 on your backpack slot!

This should work with any item! Only tested backpack. If needed I'll make a tut on how to do it. Patched?: No (9-6-2016) This stuff has already been released on UC, all you've added is the switch from suit step. Anyways, good work Gonjei is offline.