Programmu Chtobi Sdelatj Chertezh Kuhni


Modern World Coins & Current Coins of the World by Richard S. Yeoman (Whitman Publishing) Obverse In center around hole, wreath inside plain circle Outer margin, legend in Urdu 'George VI, Kaiser Hind, zarb Bhuj', AD date Lettering: ★جورج ۶ قيصر ہند ★۱۹۴۳ ضرب بہوج Translation: George VI, Emperor of India, struck in Bhuj, 1943 Reverse In center around hole, Crescent moon, trident and vertical dagger, value below Outer margin, legend in Devnagari, VS date Lettering: महाराओ श्री विजयराजजी ढींगलो कच्छ २००० Translation: Maharao Shri Vijayarajji Dhinglo Kutch 2000' Edge Plain Manage my collection To manage your collection, please. I wish to get this coin I don't wish to get this coin Year Mintage G VG F VF XF AU UNC 2000 (1943) 3.49 1.85 2000 (1944) 2004 (1947) 2004 (1948) Values in the table above are expressed in USD. They are based on evaluations by Numista users and sales realized on Internet platforms. They serve as a measure, but they are not intended to be relied upon for buying, selling or exchanging coins. Numista does not buy or sell coins.

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Jagjit Singh Biography. Jagjit Singh was a renowned Indian singer, writer and musician, famously dubbed as the ‘Ghazal King’. Born into a middle class Sikh family, he was a child prodigy in music; his father identified his talent and encouraged him to learn classical music. After his graduation, he moved to Mumbai to pursue a career in music.