Objectdock Stack Docklet


Stacks or Grid Stacks on ObjectDock » Forum Post by jive01 » Man, this is sweet feature on. Eddie ft cortex pasho mp3 downloads. You could check out this docklet.works well. If you have ObjectDock or RocketDock,you certainly know the stack docklet from. StandaloneStack 2 use the Matonga stack library, so you can thank him for.


By now, you may have already heard of – It’s no stranger to those of us keen on Windows customization. It has actually been around for quite some time, so you might even consider it a veteran of sorts.

What is ObjectDock? As the name implies, it’s a dock, which is a program that provides quick access to other programs, folders and widgets right on your desktop. It’s a key symbol of Apple computers, but with third-party programs, such as ObjectDock, Windows machines have the same capability. So what has allowed ObjectDock to maintain its stellar user base? It’s likely due to it’s balance of functional and practical features, yet stylish and customizable interface. We’ve recently added ObjectDock to our, so read on for an in-depth look into ObjectDock and all it has to offer you. Downloading And Installing ObjectDock I’m going to be upfront and honest, StarDock, the maker of ObjectDock, doesn’t provide the easiest process of downloading it.

First there are two versions, Free and Plus. Upon clicking the download link for the free version, StarDock prompts you to enter your email address to grant you permission to download it. However, all they do is provide, so there’s no real reason to even go to the StarDock website in the first place, other than to get all the official information and specifications about ObjectDock. So should you go through Download.com? You can – it’s reputable, and definitely safe. But I get rather annoyed by their installer, which always seems bloated and includes unnecessary steps.

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Instead,, which is reputable as well. They always have the most current version, and all the previous versions as well. After you download the file, the installation is straightforward and simple. There’s no bloatware inserted into the installer, like I warn about in Picture this - you've just found this awesome free software that you are stoked about because of all that it can do for you, but when you install it, you discover that it is packed. The installation is speedy as well. NOTE: ObjectDock will automatically be added to your start-up, but if you want to disable this, you can do this in the settings. After installing, you’ll be prompted to run ObjectDock.

Once you do, it will appear at the bottom of the screen and the settings window will appear as well. These settings are what we’ll be walking through next, so don’t discard them. Simply having ObjectDock does not make your desktop look awesome – the magic lies in the customization. Checking Out The Basic Settings The ObjectDock Settings window has three tabs: The ObjectDock icon, Home, and Settings. As a rule of thumb, Home is where the customization takes place,whereas the Settings tab deals more with the in-depth settings, although that’s a general rule and isn’t matter of fact. The ObjectDock icon doesn’t really have anything that you can access elsewhere in the settings window or via the dock itself.