Gta Samp Admin Hack

SAMP Rcon Cracker - Other MMORPG and Strategy Hacks and Cheats. If anyone wonders what samp is, it is San Andreas MultiPlayer GTA San Andreas Also RCON Is a password to login for an admin i think command is. SA-MP (San Andreas Multiplayer) is a multiplayer mod for Grand Theft Auto San Andreas allowing users to play against each other over the internet or LAN.
Jump to:, This article contains a list of all the in-build client commands, and information about what they do. /quit (/q) This command speaks for itself, it quits the game.
You can also use /q, as it the exact same command, just shorter. /save /save is most likely the most commonly used default command, and probably the most useful. When you type /save, your current position is saved to savedpositions.txt in your user files directory, from where you can use it in scripts. /rs /rs (Raw Save) is like /save, but it only saves your current position and facing angle in rawpositions.txt in your user files directory. No extra information is saved such as class and weapons. /interior Partly as important as /save, this command simply displays your current interior in chat. /fpslimit This command sets the limit of FPS (Frames Per Second) for your game.
The higher the limit the smoother your game is. Has no effect if frame limiter is turned off in graphic options. The limit can be set between 20 and 90. /pagesize /pagesize is used to choose the amount of lines of chat to show. This can be anything from 10 to 20 lines.
Pagesize is 10 by default. /headmove This command will enable/disable the players head movements, however it is handled locally so other players will still see your head move. /timestamp This command will show/hide a time next to all messages in the chatbox. The time that is displayed is your computer's time, not the server time.
/dl DL stands for debug labels. This command toggles debug labels on vehicles, which show the vehicle ID, model, health, whether the vehicle is pre-loaded, distance from the player, trailer, available seats, current position and spawn position. /nametagstatus This command was added in 0.3x.
When enabled (which it is by default), players will see a small hourglass icon next to the nametag of paused players. Download lagu scorpions versi acoustic. This includes minimising (alt-tab), the pause menu (ESC), lost connection (crash/timeout) and when taking screenshots that freeze the game for over 3 seconds.
/mem Shows the current amount of memory usage. (Although, it usually only prints 128 MB.) /audiomsg Enables/Disables the message that prints when a url is streamed to a client. /fontsize Changes the font size of the UI (chat, dialogs etc.).
Valid fontsize is -3 to 5. /ctd This command was added in SA-MP 0.3.7 RC2. It enables client debugging of the player camera target. /rcon More related to the server rather than the client. This command is used to execute RCON commands. RCON is the built-in admin system. RCON stands for Remote Control.
The following is a list of Admin commands that can be used in-game. Remember that commands are never to be abused. Also, some commands are not able to be performed on other admins who are the same or a higher admin level if you attempt to, the other admin will be informed. Slots Command Lvl Description /s 2 Saves your current coordinates into a slot that other players can load (teleport to).
If you do not supply a value for no vehicles allowed players will be able to telepprt and bring their vehicles. If you set it to 1 they will not be able to bring a vehicle and will arrive at the destination on foot. You can also save a slot in an interior but you should not let players bring vehicles. Slots are numbered from 1 to 100. /l 0 Loads the saves coordinates from the slot and teleports the player to the destination. If vehicles are not allowed and the player is in a vehicle they will arrive on foot.
Slots are numbered from 1 to 100. /c 4 Clear the contents of a slot. Slots are numbered from 1 to 100. /e 2 Echoes the coordinates stored in a slot to IRC. Slots are numbered from 1 to 100.
/cas 4 Clears the contents of all slots 1 to 100. Positioning Command Lvl Description /gx 2 Move the specified player id the distance supplied in the X plane. If no player id is supplied the id of the person who typed the command will be used. Valid numbers are from -99,999 to 99,999.
/gy 2 Move the specified player id the distance supplied in the Y plane. If no player id is supplied the id of the person who typed the command will be used. Valid numbers are from -99,999 to 99,999.
/gz 2 Move the specified player id the distance supplied in the Z plane. If no player id is supplied the id of the person who typed the command will be used. Valid numbers are from -99,999 to 99,999.
/setloc 2 Sets your position to the specified X, Y and Z values. Valid numbers are from -99,999 to 99,999. Punishments Command Lvl Description /isolate 3 Freezes the target player then builds a cage around them. They are unfrozen and the cage is automatically removed after the time period you specify. If you type /isolate without a player id a cage will be built around you and remain for 1 minute (however you are not frozen). Delovoj russkij yazik testi 1. Note only 1 isolation cage can be active at any one time. /deisolate 3 Unfreezes and removes the cage around any previously isolated player.