Dungeon Siege 2 Savegame Editor


Nov 3, 2018 - Hey all, Have been playing DS2 with a friend of mine over my network for sometime now. Mydiskfix na russkom. The other day I decided to jump online and have a. Dungeon Siege 2 +1 trainer for PC and supports RETAIL. Savegame Editor. Edit your skills. October 07, 2005. Contributor: Anonymous. Downloaded: 250866 times.

After i have been asked probably a hundred times how to edit your own stats and how to change a multiplayer character into singleplayer i decided to post this message. First of all you need a few tools. I used the tank viewer and the tank creator both are available for free under grab 'em there and you are set. Back up your character.

Microsoft decided to put the save games under its own folder and you can find them usually under 'my documents' dungeon siege. If not, then you changed the default settings and you have to keep digging for yourself.

A search will reveal that location 3. Now that you backed up your character you are set.

Open the Tank Viewer and open your save files. You will see three to four different files. (three in multiplayer and four in single player).

Now go to the top menu bar and hit extract. There you have an option to extract all.

Do this and choose a folder on the desktop as your location so that you will find your files easily. Now that you have all the files extracted you can start editing.

Open notepad or any other text editor. Drag the file party.gas into the editor and start editing. Ignore the white boxes, these are carriage returns (meaning that this is a new line in the program but apparently notepad doesn't translate these) and scroll down to the end of the file. This is where you will find the stats for your character. For example: intelligence_lvl: 43.2341 intelligence_xp:143294 Now all you have to do is change the number of one of the stats (I always choose xp) and the other number will be automatically updated by the game.

You can find all kinds of details about your character and party and can even change items that he is carrying. I won't go into too many details. To change items, a ring for example, you need to find a list with prefixes, remember the name of the best (utmost for example) and change the name where it says 'description'. And so on, I am actually writing a program right now that will do all this much easier. ONCE AGAIN DO NOT CHEAT IF YOU PLAY WITH OTHER PEOPLE.

IT WILL RUIN THEIR EXPERIENCE SINCE YOU ARE TOO GOOD FOR THEM AND IT WILL ALSO RUIN YOUR FUN. BE FAIR AND HONEST. Now to the saving process. Once you are done, save your notepad file and save it. Run the tank creator that you downloaded earlier and save the files into a different folder. Your source folder will be the folder that we created on the desktop, the destination folder is another folder you created. Once you have done this you have one file.