Download Zdoom Wars Servers


ZDoom Wars takes this concept and expands it greatly, adding the cast of Heretic, Hexen, Strife, Chex Quest, and Virus. Adobe photodeluxe home edition 40 free download. It had been stated that more factions would be added in due time, but the project has since been stopped.

(The Classes) The classes are from the main Iwads that you've already seen before, with one or two you probably haven't seen: Hexen, Heretic, Doom, Chex Quest, Virus, and Strife. The classes each have their own tier of monsters than you can summon to aid you on the battlefield, ranging from surpression monsters, to meat shields, to the famous bosses of each iwad themselves. All classes have variations to them that allow you to pick each class specific to the type of gameplay you prefer. For example, Doom has heavy hitters but do not contain many ghost monsters [monsters that are unaffected by certain projectiles], whilist Heretic has majority melee and close range monsters that can be ghosted at will. The classes are easy to pick up, with a tech tree to provide you with what monsters proceed to unlock other monsters.

You have an ammo system that consists of Hero mana, and mana. The hero mana is used for more advanced monsters, and regen a lot slower and has a lower cap than regular mana. Some classes hold their own with their resources better than others, but in my opinion I've felt that each time I have been depleted of mana was because of my own undoing, rather than the balance of the mana costs. Each class also has their own passive perk to them, such as Doom getting armor at the start, or chex spawning flem from itself when damaged. The nanny torrent season 1 full.

I enjoy playing each and every class, although I prefer some classes over others easily in a more competitive setting. Overall these classes are very well made with their rosters, and its the reason I've played this wad for so long. (The maps) The maps vary heavily on the amount of players, and what kind of matches it is going to be. Back in the day valley used to be the go to map because of its large size to fit the 6-8 players and enough bases to make the match feel like quite the slugger. Playing on these maps with 2-4 players however feels like a huge grind of 'kill the base, find the fleeing opponent, kill his base again' rinse and repeat until there is no where to run in the entire damn map. The smallers maps are obviously the opposite, clusterfuck with 6-8 players but wonderful for the smaller games.

There are some maps though that seem way too big in the open sense for even 6-8 players, such as Doom City outskirts, or pacific warfare. They murder framerate halfway through the game because there is hundreds of projectiles flying across these large maps, and it just gets plain annoying. Otherwise most of the maps feel good to play on, and don't look too shabby either. Some of them have gimmicks of course [C&C, City of Chaos] but you can just avoid those maps or turn them off [by script iirc] if you don't like them. Fun Factor - 9/10 - I've played this for years, even playing hour long matches in fort sieges. After a few rounds though I usually get bored as the rounds are really slow.

Balance - 8 / 10 - Now I'm not gonna sit here and lie that the balance is perfect, because if you ask anyone whos been playing it recently or are veterans on the wad [Ancal/Ivan/Savant to name a few] then you know repo usually gets bombarded with [wtf are these changes] statements. Otherwise I think the balance at the moment is still pretty good and you'll see some upsets every once in a while. One thing I'm not 100% fond of though is that timelimit mathces almost always ends with Doom winning, and guarantees virus losing, due to the differences in health, when it comes to drawn out siege-fests.

Creativity - 9 / 10 - Now you can argue 'he just took every Iwad and made it an RTS or something, wtf', but honestly I haven't seen a wad do it like this and stay relevant to this day as long as Zdoom Wars has. Replay Value - 10 / 10 - I've played this wad with every map pack, and honestly You can add any large map pack and make the battles more interesting. Your range of replay depends on the large number of map packs you can find. 9.5 / 10 That tourney was rigg-'Turn the tides instantly'.

Overall: -Implemented more sophisticated Map-Clearing code by Banjoster. -Fixed flying monster Crash State bugs. -Added in fixed mana-regen scripts by Banjoster. -Added bullet puffs to all hitscan attacks.