Captiveworks Cw 600s Premium Bin Files


Posted on Thursday, March 19, 2009 - 02:00 GMTCaptiveworks CW-600S Setup Help Guide CaptiveWorks CW-600S Setup Help Guide Captiveworks CW-600S Regular bin file setup how to: Knowing that there are two CaptiveWorks 600 models, it is important that you put the right bin file in when you set up your receiver or also known as an STB (Set Top Box). There are two STB's to deal with one being the CW-600S and the other being the CW-600S Premium. You must not use the wrong bin in either one or you will seriuosly mess up the TSOP and there is only one way to save them after that and that is called 'CLONING' and you don't want to go there if you don't have to. I will mention cloning at the end of this tutorial. Power off the receiver from the back switch. Pelacak nomor hp. Hold the front panel power button and while holding turn on the back switch, receiver should display (boot) 3. Download, Unzip and Open the loader v1.05 for the 600s after you download, unzip and open the latest bin (ie: CW600SV1.30bev.bin) for the 600s (standard).

CaptiveWorks 600S Premium FILE DOWNLOADS & UPLOADS ONLY!!! CW-LMC Update Released! Atsc, bin files, browsers, captiveworks, drives, ftp,. The Captiveworks - CW-600S is making a strong impact on the Free-To-Air Satellite receiver market. Captiveworks files and the Captiveworks brand name is a popular FTA receiver for few reasons. It is the only FTA bin file receiver on the market with a feature called auto DiSEqC.

Notice the filename difference, the regular has a 'S' in it, always. NOTE - Only use the filenames described above. (ie: CW600PV1.35bev.bin) is for the 600s premium ONLY. Notice the filename difference, the premium files have a 'P' in it, always. Hit the start button and wait for the loader to cycle through the process until you see the display read -END. Wait an additional 15-30 seconds. Once you see this message power the STB off at the back and hook it up to your TV via your usual setup.

(cabling to diseqc switch and what not) 6. After you have the STB hooked up it is time to scan in your channels, pending on your setup whether it be one - two or three LNB's use this guide for your satellite selection. DISH and BEV LNB dish pointing and recommended settings. Echo 6,8 or Echo 8,10 110.0W LNB Power: On LNB Type: Standard LNB Freq.: 11250 22khz: Off TP Freq.: 12224 Search Option: All DiSEqC 1.0: Port 2 Motor: Off Legacy SW: None Echo 7 119W LNB Power: On LNB Type: Standard LNB Freq.: 11250 22khz: Off TP Freq.: 12239 Search Option: All DiSEqC 1.0: Port 1 Motor: Off Legacy SW: None Nimiq 1,3 91.0W LNB Power: On LNB Type: Standard LNB Freq.: 11250 22khz: Off TP Freq.: 12224 Search Option: All DiSEqC 1.0: Port 3 Motor: Off Legacy SW: None 8. After you have scanned in what ever satellite you require it is time to go to your setup menu and go to system selection and make sure you have all your settings right to move on to the next step. Press system settings and it will lead you to a new menu. Only worry about these settings: a.

Auto roll - ON b. Key message - ON Next go over to EPG menu and make sure you have this setting c. Return to the TV by exiting all menus till you see the scrambled channel message.

Captiveworks Cw 600s Premium Bin Files

After that press F1 and enter '000' (three zeros) and you will see the message 'PATCH ENABLED' After that sit back and watch tv. Epilogue - in closing. If you follow this setup guide you will have no problems with your captiveworks receiver and it will make your FTA experience an enjoyable one, so make sure you follow the simple rules above and you should have no problems. CLONING!!: This is a last resort to using an improper file.

You will need another functioning box, same model as yours! Uni en iso 13786 pdf download. ============================ 12. How to Clone CW600s Box to Box? ============================ 1) Connect the master and slave box with RS-232 null modem serial cable (you should have received one with your STB) 2) Start the master receiver and press 'POWER' key to make it standby '- -: - -'.

3) Start the slave receiver, in the master box the led will display 'H' and it will blink. 4) Input the password: 111 ---- Transfer S/W 222 ---- Transfer data 333 ---- Transfer data, then S/W 444 ---- Copy whole flash except Boot Loader. 5) After finishing inputting the password. Transfer will begin. When it finish, the LED will Display '-End'. Disconnect the cable, start your receiver. Note: By the different password, you can do what ever you want to do for Box to Box.

This method should work fine for both 600S and 600P. Please take the time to learn the inner workings of your CaptiveWorks receiver and don't try to veer from the path I have provided here and you will have an enjoyable experience with your captiveworks STB. Cheers to all and I hope you all appreciate the time I took to put this sticky together. For any other help, please post questions here in this forum. __________________ If this site has helped in any way, please help out and click on the Donate graphic provided below.